Diamond Bar, CA


Lesbian-Family Building

Lesbian couples, couples with two egg providers, or egg-producing individuals who would like to achieve pregnancy have two main treatment paths: intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

IVF can be completed by pursuing either standard IVF or Co-IVF. Our physicians work with you to determine which treatments best meet your fertility and family-building goals.

Additional Treatment Options

Egg Donor Conception

An egg donor will donate eggs to enable another woman to become pregnant. The egg recipient may be the female patient or a gestational surrogate.

Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy is a process in which an individual who did not provide the egg used in conception carries the pregnancy and gives birth to a baby for another person or couple.

Egg Freezing

Preserving your eggs now allows you to take control of your options later.

Embryo Freezing

Eggs are combined with sperm in the laboratory to create embryos, which are then cryopreserved for future use.

If you have any questions about our fertility treatment plans, AFMC Care Team, or medical center, explore our website or message us at the Contact Us page!

Treatment Options

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