Diamond Bar, CA

Fertility Testing

Fertility testing is an essential step for individuals or couples who are concerned about their reproductive health or are experiencing difficulties conceiving. These tests can help determine the causes of infertility and guide appropriate treatment options. Here’s a detailed look at fertility testing, its importance, and why age influences fertility.

Understanding Fertility and Age

Fertility naturally declines with age, which is more pronounced in women than men. The quality and quantity of a woman’s eggs decrease over time. Statistically, by age 30, only about 10% of a woman’s ovarian egg reserve remains; by age 40, this figure drops to approximately 3%. These changes can significantly affect a woman’s ability to conceive naturally.

Types of Fertility Tests

For Women:

  • Ovarian Reserve Testing: This involves testing hormones like Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH), and Estradiol (E2) to assess a woman’s reserve of eggs and predict how she might respond to fertility treatment.
  • Ultrasound: Transvaginal ultrasound can visualize the ovaries and assess the follicles containing the eggs.
  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG): This X-ray test examines the uterus and fallopian tubes inside to check for blockages or other structural issues.
  • Hormonal Testing: Besides ovarian reserve tests, other hormonal tests, such as thyroid function tests and prolactin levels, can affect fertility.

For Men:

  • Semen Analysis: This is the primary test for evaluating male fertility and involves measuring the quantity and quality of sperm.
  • Hormonal Testing: Tests to assess levels of testosterone and other hormones essential for sperm production.
  • Genetic Testing: To check for chromosomal defects affecting sperm production.

Importance of Fertility Testing

  • Identifying the causes of infertility.
  • We are planning appropriate treatments or interventions, such as IVF, IUI, or other assisted reproductive technologies.
  • They provide peace of mind to those wishing to plan their family’s future.
  • She is guiding individuals with a history of genetic diseases on how to proceed with family planning.

Getting Tested at American Fertility Medical Center

American Fertility Medical Center offers comprehensive fertility assessments tailored to each individual’s needs. Whether you’re just starting to think about pregnancy or have been trying to conceive, understanding your reproductive health early can make all the difference. Our team of experts uses the latest technologies and personalized care approaches to provide you with the best possible understanding of your fertility health.

By choosing to undergo fertility testing, you’re taking an empowering step towards understanding your body and making informed decisions about your reproductive health. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive fertility evaluation and take the first step toward understanding your fertility journey.

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