Diamond Bar, CA

Treatment Options

Ovulation Monitor

The decision to see a fertility specialist can be daunting, and many individuals and couples are reluctant to set up an initial consultation because they are not interested in aggressive fertility treatment. Seeing a fertility specialist does not automatically mean IVF. For some women, achieving pregnancy can be optimized with menstrual cycle awareness and monitoring to determine the most fertile time for conception – the ideal window to time intercourse.

cycle monitoring

Some women have irregular menstrual cycles, which suggests that they are not ovulating consistently every month. It is tough to conceive if an egg is not being released predictably. With the assistance of various medications to develop eggs ready for ovulation (ovulation induction) and cycle monitoring, we can predict the time of ovulation and the fertile window. Medications to assist ovulation may include tablets and injectable hormones. Pelvic ultrasounds and blood work to evaluate hormone levels can be utilized to monitor a woman’s cycle.

If you’re interested in beginning your fertility treatment as naturally as possible, cycle monitoring with timed intercourse is a great option to consider when consulting with one of our physicians. Examples of ovulation induction (OI) protocols we often recommend are listed below. Please remember that these are sample protocols; we will personalize a treatment plan for each individual.

Oral Medications

  • Clomid (clomiphene) / Femara (letrozole)

Injectable medications

  • Injectable medications: Clomid (clomiphene) / Femara (letrozole)

Hybrid cycles

  • Hybrid cycles Clomid (clomiphene) / Femara (letrozole)

Treatment Options

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